Recovering/Retrieving Deleted Facebook Messages

Recovering/Retrieving deleted FB msges
Are you fazed with the issue of recovering/retrieving Facebook messages? If you get Facebook notifications on your email, there's a possibility you may still have a copy of the deleted message(s). If not, unfortunately, it is quite impossible to do that. But then again, there is a trick that can be applied to ensure you don't permanently lose messages you delete henceforth.

Recovering/Retrieving Your Deleted Messages

Checking Your Email Inbox

This method's usefulness is solely predicated on whether you received notifications from Facebook with a copy of the message(s) on your email. Note that you can check your notification settings to see if reception is already enabled. Here is how to check/enable the reception of a copy of messages via email, check and find those messages after deletion.
  • Login to your Facebook account
  • Click the downward facing arrow on the top right corner. This will bring out a drop down menu with several options.
  • Select Settings
  • Click Notifications in the column on the left hand side
  • Click the Edit option located to the far right of your Email notification settings 
On doing this, you’ll see three options in the email notifications window beneath a heading that reads “WHAT YOU'LL RECEIVE”. Unless you’ve chosen to receive “All notifications, except the ones you unsubscribe from”, you won’t receive message notifications to your email inbox.
There's another heading that reads “NOTIFICATIONS YOU''VE TURNED OFF”. Beneath that heading, if you see the word “Messages” with a “Turn On” button to the right of it, you are not receiving email notifications of your Facebook messages. If you don't see that, you should be receiving message notifications.
You can tweak your notification settings to the modes mentioned above to ensure you do not lose messages you delete henceforth.
However, if the above conditions are already met, you can go ahead and check your email to retrieve the deleted messages. To do so, continue with the steps below
  • Check your email
If you do not find the message easily, search some key words for instance, the name of the person you communicated with to see if you still have a copy of your deleted messages or message thread via a Facebook notification email. If you have trouble finding the message, initiate the step below.
  • Check your email's trash
Even if you regularly delete your messages, unless you empty your email account’s trash, you may still have those deleted messages in there. The likelihood of those messages being there will depend upon how long ago you deleted them, as some email providers automatically delete trash every 30 days.

That was quite easy i suppose? Also read: How to Download/Update the Facebook Application and How to Delete Photos From Facebook Timeline
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