Who Viewed my Facebook Account Profile

Has curiosity ever instigated the desire in you to find out who views your facebook profile? Although Facebook does not offer any clear-cut means of finding out who does, there are ways to know! Some of you may wonder if that’s even possible. Well, it is! Keep reading to find out how to know who has viewed your Facebook profile.

Methods of Finding out who has Viewed your Facebook profile

I’m about to offer you a buffet as regards finding who viewed your facebook profile to choose from. There are four ways to go about it. Seat tight and relax as i unfold these mysteries.

Method One

This method makes use of the Facebook profile view notification chrome extension available here.
  • Click the “ADD TO CHROME” button on the top right corner once you’ve visited the link above . This will take you to a window with “Add extension” and “cancel” options. 
  • Click the “Add extension” option. 
Give it a moment to download and install. You’ll get a notification of the installation once completed.
That’s right. Rub your palms together! Those girls/guys are about to be brought to day light!!
  • Now, go to https://www.facebook.com.
Observe the newly added option on your navigation bar? The “Visitors” option! It’s right between the “Find Friends” and “Home” options.
  • Click on this new buddy (Visitors) whenever you want to have a look at the list of people viewing your Facebook profile. 
That’s all for the first method. On to the next item on my buffet!

Method Two

This method requires a download of the “who viewed my Facebook Profile Application” from Google Play Store. Never heard of it? It exists! Here’s a link to download it from. For the lazy ones…
After a successful download and installation;
  • Open the application and supply your Facebook login details to access your Facebook account. 
  • Once logged in, give the necessary required permission to the application. You’re all set now. Give it a little time and there goes the people who’ve visited your profile! On to the next method.

See also:
How to Unblock Someone on Facebook
Logging out of Facebook
Logging into Facebook
View Your List of Blocked Users on Facebook

Method Three

The iOS smartphone users will not be left out. Everyone’s welcome at this buffet! The Social Fans application allows the iOS users access to information on not only Facebook, but all social media platforms. 
The only downside to this method is the payment requirement during the process of acquisition of the application. $27.99 and $6.99 are charged for monthly and weekly subscriptions respectively. Download the Social Fans application here. The last method is presented thus.

Method Four

I like to refer to this method as “The Browser Method”. This method makes use of a browser alone, no application downloads required! Smooth yeah?!! Let’s see how this works!!!
  • Visit https://www.facebook.com. 
  • Right click on the notification bar to gain access to the menu which pops up immediately. 
  • Click on “View page source”.
    This will take you to a page of copious and unfathomable codes. Do not be deterred, forge ahead! Your aim is to find the “InitialChatsFriendsList” which is embedded among the endless lines of codes. An array of numbers follow this text. These numbers are the profile IDs of those who’ve visited your facebook profile recently.
    • To find out who these IDs belong to, type out each ID followed by “facebook.com” on your search bar. 
    • Hit enter. 
    And I’m done unraveling the mysteries behind checking who has viewed your Facebook profile. Which was your favourite? Don’t just sit around and wonder who views your Facebook profile anymore! Try out one of the methods that suits you most or if you’re the adventurous type, try out all the methods!
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