How to Delete all Messages on Facebook at Once

Do you dislike seeing your Facebook messages area getting all clogged up with messages? There's a way to deal with that - deletion. However, deleting messages via the comventional method would be monotonois and time consuming. This post will guide you on how to delete all messages on Facebook at once!
how to del msges on fb at once

Deleting All Messages on Facebook at Once

Two steps are involved in getting all your messages deleted at once. Each of heset steps ate explained in detail below.

Step one: Installing an Extension

The process requires installing a browser extension from the Chrome Web Store. If you do not have the Chrome browser, download it and follow the steps below to install the extension.
  • Open the Google Chrome web browser.
  • Go to the Chrome Web Store.
  • Find the Facebook - Delete All Messages browser extension. 
To find it, you will have to have to type in "Facebook - Delete all messages" and search for it in the search bar.
  • Click the +ADD TO CHROME button which on the far right of the extension.
A pop up window will appear with the following options; "Add extension" and "Cancel".
  • Select Add extension.
This will download and install the Facebook - Delete All Messages extension to Chrome. 

Step Two: Deleting Facebook Messages

Now that the first step has been completed, follow the steps below.
  • Visit the Facebook website to log into your account.
  • Click the Messages icon. This icon is on the top right corner between your Friend Requests and Notifications icons.
  • Click View All in Messenger at the bottom of the pop up window.
  • Click the "Facebook - Delete All Messages" icon on Chrome's extensions bar. 
This button looks like a Facebook Messenger logo with a red X mark on it. You can find it in the upper-right corner of your screen to the right of the address bar.
  • Click Open Your Messages in the pop up window.
A warning message will be displayed. Ignore it if you're really bent on deleting all your messages.
  • Click Begin Deletion.
You'll be asked if you're sure you want to delete all messages in a pop up window. This window also contains the following options; "OK" and "Cancel".
  • Click OK.

Also read: Who Viewed My Facebook Account Profile and Delete Facebook Page

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